And when he did, he did it with characteristic immoderation. Walt suddenly collapses to his knees weeping, heartbroken and ashamed on a quiet Annandale street in the shadowless light of dusk. CARINE (V.O.) (CONT'D) My father is a brilliant man. But he had made some terrible mistakes....
“Our producer, Flood, and I looked at each other and I told Trent, ‘Well, you had the pop single for the record until you said ‘fuck’ in every line of the chorus.’ Trent started laughing and he said, ‘I know.’ He did it on purpose because he didn’t want, necessarily, t...
“Our producer, Flood, and I looked at each other and I told Trent, ‘Well, you had the pop single for the record until you said ‘fuck’ in every line of the chorus.’ Trent started laughing and he said, ‘I know.’ He did it on purpose because he didn’t want, necessarily, t...
can I go on without him to face the money problems, the unfinished projects we’d both worked hard on, and just when it seemed the financial stability that our efforts over decades so richly deserved had finally started–the new coveted steady jobs, why, oh why did he have to die now?
Colbert and Gable have a chemistry to die for that makes the film feel as alive now as it did 90 years ago. —WCPhoto : Everett Collection ‘The Big Sleep’ (1946) Bacall, Bogart, what more does one need? Lauren Bacall and Humphrey Bogart reunite in the 1946 Howard Hawks film “The...
and any die hardInto the Woodsfan will tell you the same. Anna Kendrick, of course, was fantastic as always. She needs to make the move back to Broadway as soon as possible, or at the very least, have a lead role in every single movie musical from now until eternity. It was a bre...
I did. I did see Bigfoot when I was a kid and I still believe it to this day. I saw a big furry man outside my window. It's not funny! It was real. — Barry Watson 80 You have to be optimistic. I still have doubts and conflicts, but the bottom line is, I believe in ...
二十九.单词拼写: 1.When the queen is at home, the flag would be raised on the top of her . 1. 2. comes after summer 2. 3.She joined the Young at the age of eight. 3.
open. I walked right behind her half bent over, with my arms spread out and around her back. I glared at old people who had their canes or feet too far into the aisle. I imagined her tripping and falling, which she did too often lately. I couldn’t lose another parent. Not that ...
The queen of country music quipped, “Someday, I hope i’ll just drop dead in the middle of a song that I’ve written.” While Ms. Parton says that’s how she hopes to go, she’ll keep on working as long as she is able to work, and as long as her health and her husband ...