2The trouble started when Mrs Cady lost control of her car on a mountain road.The car fell down thirty feet from the road into the water.It rolled over once and landed right side up in the rushing water.All three people,Mrs Cady,and her two daughters,were wearing their seatbelts.Luckily...
1.Where did the trouble start? A. In the river B. On a mountain road C. Under the water D. In a big city 2.How many people were in danger? A. One B. Two C. Three D. Four 3.Who was Paul? A. A man in Mrs. Cady’s car ...
I grew up roadtripping to several national parks, mostly in the back of a station wagon or sedan and before seatbelts were legally required. My dad drove us through Acadia (I think my sister and I did some of the driving to this trip), Badlands, Glacier, Grand Teton, Great Smoky Mounta...
“It was love,” Terri said. “Sure, it’s abnormal in most people’s eyes. But he was willing to die for it. He did die for it.” “I sure as hell wouldn’t call it love,” Mel said. “I mean, no one knows what he did it for. I’ve seen a lot of suicides, and I ...
The court heard that neither Daly 【7】 Miss Hicks, 22, was wearing seatbelts at the time of the collision that happened on November 17, 2011. NBC New York reports Kevin Daly, was driving on County Road 83, when the road was blocked by a truck that was waiting 【8】 (turn) right....
Suddenly I was outside. I did have a car. I didn’t have keys for it, but I had a car. I opened the hood and started to poke around to see how I might get it to work and suddenly my friend is there again. She’s mad. She said to stop making a scene. To just drive the...
全文英文如下:What We Talk About When We Talk About LoveBy Raymond CarverMy friend Mel McGinnis was talking. Mel McGinnis is a cardiologist, and sometimes that gives him the right.The four of us were sitting around his kitchen table drinking gin. Sunlight filled the kitchen from the big ...