We're not here to play the blame game. These things happen. Sometimes doctors send people out on the street to die after other doctors warn them that they're sending people out on the street to die. There's no way you could know. 喂喂,我们又不是在这里评判谁是谁非,此乃人之常情嘛,...
During that hospital stay, they saved my life by pumping me full of steroids, antibiotics, antivirals, and many other medications in an attempt to find something that would stop the inflammation. Eventually, something worked, though no one was really sure what it was that did the trick. Or ...
ask them about their college experience. Most will probably tell you that it didn’t matter so much where they went to school, but what they did with the opportunity. Even those who didn’t
It's just that to a lot of British people George Bush represents the worst of all things American. He's the right-wing Christian crusader, the toxic Texan who refused Kyoto, the poll-cheat eel who undermined democracy on the back of something called 'chads,' a notion we've never entirel...
And in thinking on it further, I did feel small. I’m one of 7.6 billion people on this earth (for reference, 1.4 billion of those are Chinese), each making decisions and living their lives in a way that they think best and oftentimes, in a way very different than my own. I’ve ...
Common methods to prevent xerosis include using: Hydrating moisturizers, especially those that contains urea, ceramides, and lactic acid Topical steroids (in areas of inflammation) Eliminate ingredients that dry out the skin and avoid products that contain these ingredients: Sodium lauryl sulfate ...
We did a lot of rock work this year. This happened while I was away. Crew colleague Cindy Ardecki shared her video of this rock’s journey. There is more than one way to move a BFR as you will see. The previous day we used a different technique while working on the Overall Run...
Suppression of sex steroids caused a progressive decrease in bone maturation, as demonstrated here, the BA/CA ration tapered off over time. Nevertheless, GnRHa did not statistically significant inhibit bone maturation at month 6 because there may not be enough patients whose BA was sufficiently supp...
I’m no braver than anyone else reading this, yet I’ve lost count of the number of people who have told me I am. Why? I’m just doing what I need to do to ensure I live a long healthy life, one where I get to start a family with The Boy, reach the stage where we’re an...
She needed a pacemaker, rehab, and high-dose steroids.… In all those years, that was the only one, and she did make it, but it was touch-and-go. I was a little surprised [because] she was not the person you [would think would] have a cardiac problem. LIPSON: It is very h...