Wait before checking on your baby.If your baby wakes up in the night, give them some time to settle before checking in. If they haven’t calmed down, a few reassuring words softly spoken from the bedroom doorway, or a loving pat, may be enough. If they need feeding or a diaper chang...
“Our producer, Flood, and I looked at each other and I told Trent, ‘Well, you had the pop single for the record until you said ‘fuck’ in every line of the chorus.’ Trent started laughing and he said, ‘I know.’ He did it on purpose because he didn’t want, necessarily, t...
Dr. Ross Robertson provided the ID on this one, and he shared that these are indeed the feistiest of the damsels. When he was snorkeling with them to do research, they would often attack, and had a particular penchant for biting him on the lip. So the next time you’re tempted to m...
Trump claimed to Pat Robertson to have gotten rid, by executive order, of the Johnson Amendment that threatens the loss of tax-exempt status to churches that speak politically or endorse candidates, which actually applies to all 501(c)(3) organizations, not just religious ones. He seeks to p...
Alan Robertson Reply to griff December 21, 2021 11:32 am You have been told numerous times, that Texas has grid connects to power pools outside Texas’ borders. When you know one thing and habitually claim another, you shouldn’t wonder at the instant skepticism and contempt which greet...
no idea what the movie was about? Modern childhood nightmares: Pat Robertson as president... Mcain chanaling Bush & Chenney... Palin's smile reminds me of the wood chipper in Fargo... Buttafucco in a porn movie... WashingtonWednesday 01st of October 2008 7:32 pm Doogie...
did many fff before must well back through years much where your way down should because long each just state those people too mr how little good world make very year still see own work men day get here old life both between being under three never know same last another while us off ...