How does the lunar calendar impact the Chinese religion? How many days are in the Hindu lunar calendar? What month is Nisan in the Jewish calendar? How did the Islamic calendar start? How is the lunar calendar used in Islam? When is Shavuot on the Hebrew calendar?
When did the Christian era began? The Christian Era is the era now in general use throughout the world. Its epoch, or commencement, isJanuary 1, 754 AUC(ab urbe condita—“from the foundation of the city [of Rome]”—or anno urbis conditae—“in the year of the foundation of the ...
I won’t lie that a part of me feared that the parents may look at this short in disgust at the fact that it dares to show a different culture other than Christianity to a naive and easily mislead American youth and that it has the gall to present an alternate religion in a way othe...
In this, Murray suggested that ‘witches’ were followers of an organised, pre-Christian religion which survived until the 17th century. Within this religion the practitioners were divided into covens, each coven having thirteen members, and they worshipped a pre-Christian horned god which, in a...
So, where did the word “Easter” come from? The exact origin of the word “Easter” is unclear. It’s not as simple as saying it has religious origins or pagan origins. Some historians suggest that it came from the phrasehebdomada alba, Latin for “white week,” used to describe the...
In Pagan mythology, the equinox is the time to give thanks for the summer and good harvest through the Mabon festival. At the same time, Pagans use this time to prepare for the coming of darkness with a bigger winter festival called Samhain. During Mabon, believers build an altar with ...
Money, Politics, And Religion Were Intricately Tied Together Photo: Giuseppe Passeri Wikimedia Commons Public Domain The story of Jesus driving themoney changersfrom the Temple is notable in several respects. First of all, it is the only time in the Gospels that ...
Even worse for the Puritans were the pagan roots of Christmas. Not until the fourth century A.D. did the church in Rome ordain the celebration of the Nativity on December 25, and that was done by co-opting existing pagan celebrations such asSaturnalia, an ancient Roman holiday of lights ma...
Money, Politics, And Religion Were Intricately Tied Together Photo: Giuseppe Passeri Wikimedia Commons Public Domain The story of Jesus driving themoney changersfrom the Temple is notable in several respects. First of all, it is the only time in the Gospels that J...
can I go on without him to face the money problems, the unfinished projects we’d both worked hard on, and just when it seemed the financial stability that our efforts over decades so richly deserved had finally started–the new coveted steady jobs, why, oh why did he have to die now?