When making a phone call, we will mostly tell the person on the other side of the phone who we are and who would like to speak to this part focus on the opening phrases and expressions used in making and receiving phone calls. Listen to the telephone conversations and fill in the blanks...
time,makingtheartisticspecialexhibitionsahighlightofanyvisittotheGetty. TheCenter?saward-winningarchitect,RichardMeier,did 3 outstandingjobofcreatinga publicspacethathassurprisedmanyvisitors.VisitorsgototheGettythinkingtheyarevisitinga museumwithworksofart 4 (display)inside. 5 theydiscoverinsteadisaworkofartwith ...
【1】When did the man start drawingA.Five years ago. B.When he was five years old. C.Six years ago.【2】How does the woman feel about the man’s artA.She thinks it is great. B.She is too shy to tell him. C.She likes his photography the most. 免费查看参考答案及解析 题目:...
everymove.ShewouldrepeatwhateverIsaidordid,whichgotmeannoyed. OneafternoonmyfriendMareyaandIweremakingbracelets(手链).“Whatareyoudoing?”Indi asked, 22 downnexttousatthetable.“MayImakeonetoo?”I 23 butMareyasaidyes.Indi squeezed(挤)inso 24 tomethatIcouldhardlyseewhatIwasdoing.Iaskedhertogivememor...
Publicity of this category started to drop only after the year 2000; however, it did have its peak years just before falling down. What people may not know is that this type of music inspired(促成) rock and roll especially with one of the most important figures in music history-Elvis ...
4. Which one is RIGHT according to the passage? A.The boy stopped to buy some cabbages. B.The boy stopped to take the old woman to town. C.The boy stopped to pick up the cabbages. D.The boy stopped to ask the old woman what he dropped.5. What did the boy drop? A.He ...
Emilysatonthegroundandstartedtocry...butwait...didshehearvoices?Shestoodupandrantowardsthem.Asshegotcloser,sheheardhermom’svoiceandthevoicesofsomeofthemenfromthetrain.Thenshecouldseethem.Emilyranasfastasshecould,rightintohermom’swelcomingarms. MomcarriedEmilybacktotheirwagonandputhertobed.Emilywasgla...
2. How did Amy solve the problem? A.designing→studying→getting materials→making the machine B.designing→getting materials→studying→making the machine C.studying→getting materials→designing→making the machine D.studying→designing→getting materials→making the machine3. How does the machine get...
toward making music, particularly in a town that may be best known for Dorrough and Dr. Phil. I keed, I keed. There are plenty of known rappers in Dallas, though they do sometimes get overshadowed by Houston. A.Dd+ aren’t living in anyone’s shadows. They do their music, their way...
Big Time Rushsinger Carlos PenaVega opened up about touring with an earlyOne Directionon theUnplannedpodcast. The two boy bands shared the stage in 2012 for BTR's Better With U tour. At the time, 1D was fresh off ofThe X Factorand had released "What Makes You Beautiful" and "Gotta Be...