bordering at times on hagiography, his charisma and clever word play contrasting sharply with the dour Foreman, whose intimidating reticence is underscored by scenes from his violent demolition ofJoe Frazier. A clear favorite leading up to the fight, ...
In the immediate aftermath of Lewiston, Ring magazine columnist Dan Daniel seems today to have been closer to the truth than most when he wrote after the fight: “Did Liston go into the tank at Lewiston? Who knows? What happened in Maine was in the nature of a fever. As Lincoln said,...
For the public, her biggest test took place last summer in the New York State when she took on Jacqui Frazier Lyde, the daughter of Joe Frazier, her father’s most famous opponent (对手) during the 1970s. That fight provided the biggest shot in the arm that women’s boxing has ...
Ali was not a perfect man. He was vindictive, and unforgivably cruel to his great rival, Frazier. But he was also a hero, a man who stood for his principles, who reached the greatest heights of his sport only to be cut down early and publicly by disease. He was larger than life....