“Heunderstandsthisduality,thefeelingofbeingborninaplacebuthavingaverybigideaofwhereyourheritagecomesfrom.”saysthefilmdirector,DiegoLuna.“ThisthingofhavingtogotoschoolandlearninEnglishandthengohometospeakSpanishwithyourparents.” AsimmigrationpolicyishotlydebatedonCapitolHillthisyear,Lunaandotherswhowereinvolvedwith...
The “wildcat strike” against the poor working conditions of the bike couriers of the delivery service Gorilla at the beginning of 2021 ended in numerous dismissals by the employer. The trade unions did not support the strike, so that participation in the work stoppage was deemed unlawful by ...
The redpill groups are often antisemitic, to an often cartoonish degree where they think every single person of Jewish ancestry is part of a plot to destroy America through mass immigration (somehow Stephen Miller or Breitbart never come up) though that’s a bit more of a recent development....
the Falklands, destruction of the unions, industry decimated, poll tax, mass unemployment, political collaboration with unelected EU hierarchy, abandoning clause 4, full blown neo liberalism, gold standard abandoned, Iraq, bankers bail out, austerity, mass immigration, Libya/Syria/Afghanistan, unashamed...
A local comes and becomes our agent between us and the immigration office right in front of us, we let him be and help us.. we want to leverage any advantage he may have to smoothen our crossing, before we know it we have 5 guys helping us filling in our immigration forms..… ...
Why did this, rather than any other unsolved racial murder, become a test of policing, of justice and of racial attitudes? Why was this particular case seen to have implications for institutions other than the police force who were considered to have acted in many ways inappropriately?
At the same time, the anonymity provided by certain social media platforms coupled with mass social movements can end up having some wonky effects. One such recent sensation was the saga of Boaty McBoatface. As detailed in a recent article in The Atlantic, the UK’s Natural Environment ...
no immigration. 99.9% of the people are Japanese so dealing with foreigners for most is a rarity. I would believe that many have no idea how to deal with a foreigner in their midst, not in a mean way.. but more so of language/cultural barriers and possibly just ig...
So many people including myself was like if Trump wins I’m moving to Canada or the UK. Apparently a lot of people had the same thoughts as the immigration site for Canada crashed during the election. My friends, we can’t leave. This is OUR COUNTRY! We were CALLED to this country!
“surely it should be in our power to decide how many people we welcome in this way” beresford September 12, 2020 It is being reported elsewhere that even the trifling number that we do deport are back at the Channel within a day or so, some with financial help from immigra...