Given its clout among the Shiites in southern Iraq, Tehran could help maintain order there while the constitutional negotiations were under way. Iran could ensure that the growing rivalry among Shiite factions such as SCIRI and Sadr's troops did not spin out of control, destabilize southern Iraq...
did many fff before must well back through years much where your way down should because long each just state those people too mr how little good world make very year still see own work men day get here old life both between being under three never know same last another while us off ...
Spiritual maturity involves integration of the quantitative and the qualitative, and not over identifying with either. We must acquire and maintain balance between the two. We must learn to increase our capacity to hold creative tension so more inclusive solutions and options can emerge. It is a ...
These are the forms that re-emerge through the flare, while also being what ignites that flare.‘N’entre pas sans violence dans la nuit’ –‘Show Your Cards’This chapter has strayed far from the ‘traditional’ notion of the underground, and I want to conclude by bringing it back ...
You write, ‘After I grew up I once confronted my mother with my secret knowledge, and she was hurt and astonished and insisted that if she paid more attention to the other two, it was because they needed her more than I did, that I was always more emotionally independent.’ That was...