Sitting at a beautiful seaside place for some udon, Dong-baek thanks Yong-shik for what he did at the Camellia. When he asks if she really saw the Joker, she tells him that she’d only seen a glimpse from behind. She confesses that she was the one who had begged Chief Byun to ...
Directed with joyful playfulness by Teddy Bergman (Broadway’sKPOP) with festive choreography by Mayte Natalio (Broadway’sSuffs) and delightful costuming by Sophia Choi (Broadway’sCult of Love),Urinetowndelivers it all with a wink and a grimace, especially the presentation of the wonderfully gi...
The question for me and for all of us is:Will we trust Him? Years of living have taught me that the unexpected is always an opportunity to experience more of who God is. When I finally stop focusing on my losses—and there have been many—I’m ready to see Godbegin to work His hi...