E.g. What did Telemachus do when his father didn’t return Step4: Post-reading 1. Let students make a discussion: How do you think the story continues Discuss in fours what you think will happen. 2. In group prepare to act their story in front of the class. Step5: Summary and ...
When did Shakespeare die? When was Hamlet written? When was Lear overconfident in Shakespeare's King Lear? When did William Shakespeare make most of his work? When was A Fairy Song by William Shakespeare written? When did Shakespeare's Henry IV take place?
When did Alexander Fleming die? When did William Prescott die? Whend did King Leonidas die? When did Karl Benz die? When did John Balliol die? When did Gaius Marius die? When did George Boole die? When did Francis Xavier die? When did Henry Hudson die? When did Joseph Winters die? Wh...
if valuations rise if very expensive if very much if warranted if we all die if we are industrious if we could speak if we could tlorredak if we did those thing if we dont get dresse if we finish the game if we got love thats if we love if we seriously consi if we tried if we...
where can i go to fin where can i have snac where central banks where corporate bonds where did it begin an where didyousleeplast where do bad folks go where do mountain gor where do we go from h where do you worki wo where form meets func where god left his sh where got where ...
→ The student did anexperimentin science class. 学生们在科学课上做实验。 28 kill v.杀死,扼杀 To kill someone or something is to make them die. 表示使某人某事死亡。 → Ikilledthe fly with a fly swatter. 我用苍蝇拍打死了一只苍蝇。
From that time on, Matt always did well in all of his classes. Because he had the will(意志), he always found a way.根据短文内容,回答下列问题。【小题1】When did Matt’s father die?___【小题2】Why did Matt want a grammar book? ___【小题3】What did Matt find when he woke the...
he could do anything. Adrian made the grade and got accepted. It was a big challenge. The pace (节奏) was faster so he had to sit at the front of the class and really pay attention to the teacher, which wasn’t always easy. But he stuck to it and did a lot of extra work after...
There are four representative tragedy Hamlet Othello“ King Lear , Macbeth“ .Four comedy Twelfth Night, Midsummer Nights Dream, The Merchant of Venice, Much Ado About Nothing .Historical drama Henry IV, Henry V, Li Richard II and so 11、 on. Also wrote 154 sonnets. He is the father of ...
When did King Henry V die? When did William Wells Brown die? When did Sam Rayburn die? When did Martha Jefferson die? When did King George II die? When did Julian of Norwich die? When did Mary Anning die? When did Ulysses S. Grant die?