Did Jesus Ride into Jerusalem on One Donkey or Two? Poet and Priest Why the LCMS President's Response to the Bashing of Lutheran Social Services Both Stinks and Stings Patron Saint of Eclipsed Siblings Patron Saint of Those Who Self-Harm ...
Divorce - When Jesus had finished saying these things, he left Galilee and went into the region of Judea to the other side of the Jordan. Large
Divorce - When Jesus had finished saying these things, he left Galilee and went into the region of Judea to the other side of the Jordan. Large
When his eyes were opened to the gospel, the man immediately asked to be baptized. Baptism was a public declaration of a commitment to follow Christ. This was no small thing. In fact, at this time in history, it was often dangerous to profess faith in Jesus. 36Now as they went down ...
When Jacob knew he did not have long to live, he called in Joseph and said, "If you really love me, you must make a solemn promise not to bury me in Egypt. English Revised VersionAnd the time drew near that Israel must die: and he called his son Joseph, and said unto him, If ...
For the whole house of Israel is hard-headed and hard-hearted.John 1:11He came to His own, and His own did not receive Him.John 7:5For even His own brothers did not believe in Him.Matthew 12:46-50While Jesus was still speaking to the crowds, His mother and brothers stood outside...
48“How do you know me?” Nathanael asked. Jesus answered,“I saw you while you were still under the fig tree before Philip called you.” 49Then Nathanael declared, “Rabbi, you are the Son of God; you are the king of Israel.” ...
Country-western songs speak of 'having a little talk with Jesus' almost as if the Lord were a chum with whom one has a chitchat. . . . In stark contrast, however, is the persistent biblical wisdom that God's presence comes to us, when we know it not. At the least, our awareness ...
Why did King Balak feel so threatened by Israel that he felt the need to have her cursed? It is because Balak, along with his elders, had heard of the Israelites stunning victories over the mighty enemies of Sihon and Og. Reserve your free bible now ...
As Easter Sunday approaches and Christians everywhere remember Jesus’ journey to the cross, we can’t help but wonder about his mother who stuck by His side till the bitter end. How old was she when he died on the cross, and when did she realize what route her son's life was going ...