I lay down upon the floor in the small room at the back of the chapel, allowing the darkness to envelope me. I wanted to get in touch with what had happened in the day proceeding for Jesus so that when Violet did her liturgical dance, she would take all that knowledge with her. I ...
you think, if the word Jesus, or the word Christ, or the word Lord, or the word God, or the word Jehovah convey the sense of some existent something external to yourself, you fail the test. You haven’t yet found it within. And I’ll tell you, he is within you: your own wonder...
What message Jesus gave to these who brought him these tidings we know not; the evangelist records what he said to the bystanders. Our Lord did not mean to say that the sickness would not terminate in what men ordinarily call "death," nor that it was not a deadly disease, but that it...
- Israel, being under a theocracy, did not need an earthly king; but neither was this thereby precluded, provided the king chosen by the people were one whom Jehovah would approve as his vicegerent. In case, then, of their coming to desire to have a king over them like the nations aro...
Also, what can we learn from Jesus about persecution? And what did Peter, who once denied his Lord, learn that can help us trust God and have the strength to do what He’s called us to do? Today’s Readings: Ezekiel 3 & 4
Christian vocation, Christology, Church, cross, discipleship, eschatology, Faith, heaven, Hope, Pentecost, Scriptures, Second Coming, sermon, Spirit, The Holy Spirit | Tagged Acts, Acts 1, Ascension Day, Christian faith, christianity, church, faith, Holy Spirit, jesus, Jesus Christ | 1 Comment...
Although he did not begin Jesus Caritas fraternities for diocesan priests, he nevertheless inspired them with his love of the Eucharist as sacrifice and sacrament and by his commitment to live Gospel simplicity, by his devotion to the Hidden Life of Jesus of Nazareth and by his attraction to ...
Did serial rapist Matias Reyes confess to the rape of the Central Park jogger because he'd found Jesus? This is what Matias Reyes claimed after he crossed paths with Korey Wise for a second time in the prison system. He said that he could sense Wise's pain and he decided to confess be...
At that moment, I realized I was trying to bear the burdens alone. So, I consciously decided to let go and trust in God. This action didn’t magically erase my pain, but the load did lighten. God is in Control When life gets complicated, remember to let Jesus have control. No matter...
1Jesus left the temple and was walking away when his disciples came up to him to call his attention to its buildings. 2“Do you see all these things?”he asked.“Truly I tell you, not one stone here will be left on another; every one will be thrown down.” ...