Did Jesus Christ say, “I say to you, today you will be with Me in paradise” or, “I say to you today, you will be with Me in paradise” (at the Second Coming)? Here is one translation that put the comma in the place that lines up with all other scripture. Luke 23:43 TS98...
The author calculates the date of Jesus Christ's death. His study centers on three important points namely the start of Jesus Christ's public ministry, how long His ministry last and the day and month of His death. The...
“作品的第四十章的标题是”殉道者“,显然,作者是把汤姆叔叔的死和耶稣基督的死做了对比。 They all are betrayed by oneself most trusted subordinate's person, just like Jesus is dying time sighs: ” My god, why have you abandoned me? “The work 40th chapter of title is” the martyr “, ...
I lay down upon the floor in the small room at the back of the chapel, allowing the darkness to envelope me. I wanted to get in touch with what had happened in the day proceeding for Jesus so that when Violet did her liturgical dance, she would take all that knowledge with her. I ...
Jesus didn't wait until we got better to die for us. He died when we were in our most unlovely state. The person who doesn't deserve love actually needs love more, not less. If you know someone unworthy of love, that's great! You now have a chance to emulate Christ, because the...
So what is the future for those who have already died? What if they weren't Christian when they died? Read these articles to see what is God’s plan for us after we die. What Are the Resurrections? The Bible talks about the resurrection of Jesus Christ preparing the way for future res...
Christians and Jews today don’t read that as a literal command binding for all time, he said. “If I did that first, I never would’ve had a son to write this book.” It is in the narrative of Scripture that Christians will find “a clearer picture of the identity of God,” Hays...
Christ has suffered more than any of us, and He knows the intensity of our afflictions. There is no suffering we have that He did not undergo in Gethsemane and on Calvary. That is why He understands and can help us. Carlos H Amado explains, “We limit our vision to the events th...
I did not. I got back in the car and drove home to sleep it off. Along the way, I stopped and threw my gun into the Royal River. I feel I've been very clear on this point. D.A. Yes, you have. Where I get hazy, though, is the part where the ...
Or to state it a little differently… we can experience oneness with God to the degree that Jesus did ! And out of that oneness, we can experience oneness with all of humanity. To conclude, in the Bible we are told that God is love. We are also told that love never fails. To honor...