Turkey, and Iraq's Arab neighbors would likely enter the fray to protect their interests and scramble for the scraps of Iraq. The major front would be essentially the same as that during the Iran-Iraq War, only two hundred miles further to the west: it would follow the line, running thro...
Mohammed, the means of Muslim expansion was always the sword. Muslim thought divides the world into two spheres, the Abode of Islam and the Abode of War... In the eleventh century, the Seljuk Turks conquered Asia Minor (modern Turkey), which had been Christian since the time of St. Paul...
IUML condemns French president for his statement on Islam Covid 19 vaccine;initial supply to health workers,older people 5th National Ayurveda Day observed, online Covid for 799 people in Kozhikode Access to COVID 19 Tools Accelerator commitments reach US$ 5.1billion following new contribution...
The pamphlet addressed several misconceptions about the Islamic faith, making a distinction between Islam and Islamists (an advocate or supporter of Islamic militancy or fundamentalism – radical extremists). I’m ashamed to admit it, but this is the picture that immediately pops into my mind whe...
If the students fitted an ethnic stereotype, teachers tend to ignore information about their achievement development, whereas if the students did not fit an ethnic stereotype, teachers’ judgments were rather based on all information that was provided about the students. Hence, achievement development ...
Kurdistan, Somaliland, and Kosovo have rich histories, but decades of conflict jeopardize their preservation. These unsung heroes persevere to save their cultural heritage.
I did not realize how much Islam has a hold on Turkey, but upon coming to grasp that I also came to see that the people are open to hearing stories about Jesus. I was again reminded about how you get a favorable response when you ask people to gather to hear a story about Jesus an...