B.what did you doC.which you wentD.what you did 免费查看参考答案及解析 题目: [中考英语下半年中考模拟] 阅读下面短文,理解大意,从所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,使短文连贯完整。When Kalema was little, she liked to play the piano. One day when she was at her piano on the first ...
sister.Areyouokay?”theboyasked.Atfirst,thegirldidnotanswer.“Whereareyouabouttofly?”he asked.Finally,thegirlspokeup.“I?msupposedtoflybackhometoHainan.Ipromisedmymotherthat Iwouldcomehomeforher60thbirthday,butIlostmyplaneticket,”thegirlsaid.“I?dbeensavingup forthisticketforsuchalongtime.Ican?
( )14. Where did Dnald F. Duncan first see the yy?A. In New Yrk.B. In Califrnia. C. In Lndn. ( )15. What shape f the yy was made during the 1950s?A. The beeshaped yy. B. The birdshaped yy. ...
2. When did the author begin her first gardening? A.In her childhood. B.In one of her summer breaks. C.In her teens. D.In her first year of MFA program.3. What does the underlined phrase “a black thumb” in Paragraph 2 probably mean? A.A talent to grow plants. B.A dirty...
oh you did he did it oh you know i dont mi ohdont do that ohgod and she seems s ohgod ohi think so ohits like a skit ohlet us make a pledg ohlook my first grade ohmy god hes gonna ra ohmy god of course ohmy goodness you hav ohreal ugg boots on s ohthats not true ohth...
wheres the love yall wherestheskyhidden whereas i have not dw whereas india wherefore i give you wherefore it is said wherefore they spake wherefore as by one m whereofcomcn whereon if a man lean wheres the churchwho wherever i be wherever you go wheredidwegowrongcaus wheretherewasweakness...
C.India.( )14.Why did Miss Kumar start this trip A.Because she wanted to work in China.B.Because she wanted to make more money.C.Because she wanted to help poor children in her country.( )15.What can we get from the conversation A.Miss Kumar is too tired after the long flight.B...
When Anika Puri visited India with her family four years ago, she was surprised to come across a market in Bombay filled with rows of ivory jewelry (象牙饰品) and statues. Globally, ivory trade has been illegal for more than 30 years, and elephant hunting has been prohibited in India ...
6.WhatmadeMatthewfeelextremelyworriedafterhisfirstattempt? A.Failingtogetadrivinglicense. B.Missinghisbirthdaycelebration. C.Makinghisparentsdisappointed. D.Losingfacebeforehisclassmates. 7.Whatdid Matthewlearnfromhisownexperience? A.Honestyisthebestpolicy. B.Failureisawaytogrowup. C.Truthstandsthetestoftim...
The whole world is respecting India mainly because we had one and only Gandhi.His determination,simplicity,Sathyagraha are well-known and admired across the globe. Gandhiji’s statues and photos are kept safely in major cities of many countries. Gandhiji’s statues are not just made of bricks...