你现在是一位资深的英语老师,将英文文章翻译成中文,要求翻译中追求信达雅,翻译内容为:Weknowfromfossilrecordsthatthepopulationsofmanyanimalspeciesdeclinedsharplywhenhumansexpandedtheirrange.ThereisnodoubtthattheworldthatexistedfromtheemergenceofHomosapiensabout300由设计师熊猫办公用户(ID: 10012) 在2024-06-06完成设计...
Over the last decade, the metacognitive abilities of nonhuman primates and the developmental emergence of metacognition in children have become topics of increasing research interest. In the current study, the performance of three adult chimpanzees ( Pan troglodytes ; Experiment 1) and forty-four 3.5...
When homo sapiens take the fruit of wisdom,God said, behold, the man is become as one of us. It is the karma for all human beings. Have a vision or perish. What is true Trinity? One becoming a god under infinite deus with great spirit. û收藏 转发 2 ñ1...
To this day, scientists have no idea why hominids first appeared. It was, for a long time, assumed that tools made our ancestors what they were. This was a good guess and, millions of years later, tools did matter a lot. But big brains and tool use (technology, basically) wasn’t ...
naive human B cell repertoire can be thought of as an ex vivo human clinical trial prelude, with the goals of identifying vaccine-specific naive B cells and providing information on whether a given vaccine design is likely to accomplish the goal of targeting specific protective Ab responses. Thes...
While the fossil record from the late Middle Pleistocene of Africa does suggest that the earliest representatives of Homo sapiens are indeed found in this continent, we found no consistent evidence showing that the LCA necessarily also originated in Africa. At present, based on paleogenetic analyses...
Neldner K, Collier-Baker E, Nielsen M (2015) Chimpanzees ( Pan troglodytes ) and human children ( Homo sapiens ) know when they are ignorant about the location of food. Anim Cogn 18(3):683–699Neldner, K., Collier-Baker, E., & Nielsen, M. (2015). Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) ...