When did Philip VI rule France? When was Charlemagne king of the Lombards? When did Charlemagne start his empire? When did Henry IV rule France? When did Habsburg Emperor Charles IV gives up his throne? When did Charlemagne's empire grow to the size of Rome's?
I did go to Malham Cove on a beautiful sunny day, the drive there was so gorgeous and I am getting much more used to single track roads now! By the time I got there it had got a little duller, but I didn’t mind. I spent far too much time taking photos of the clouds, and ju...
i know what im talkin i know what you did l i know what you need i know whatqyou did l i know where terrence i know you are dizzy i know you defy i know you dont have i know you dont under i know you dont know i know you guys like i know you hate me bu i know you ...
When did Tunisia gain independence? When did the Huguenots come to Britain? When did Henry V invade France? When did Algiers become decolonized? When did the Vikings invade Northern France? When did Charlemagne rule France? When did the French begin to settle colonies in North America? When ...
Did the Huguenots have slaves? When the Huguenots arrived in the Hudson River Valley in the 1660s, they entered aslave-owning society. The Huguenots did not enslave people in France or Germany, but they soon took up the practice in their new homes. ...
【3】Why did the caller call out the steps for the dancers? A. Because the dance was invented by the caller. B. Because the dancers didn’t know the names of the steps. C. Because the steps were very particular. D. Because it was hard for the dancers to remember all the steps. ...
B.It did a report. C.It made an interview.2. Who supports the idea of giving students homework? A.Karen. B.Michael. C.Susan.3. What will happen when homework is too much according to Paragraph 4? A.Students will do no homework. B.Students will do homework poorly. C.Students wil...
6. What___did you fly? 7. It is one of the most difficult___to climb in the Rocky Mountains. 8. The beauty of Qinghai Lake took the visitors’___away. 9. In freezing cold winter, windows are often covered with___ 10. We sailed into a beautiful...
(对手) in the eyes and congratulate them on a good __42__ when I was eight. Somehow I took the loss as a __43__ on my self-worth and felt my self-confidence had been slapped; __44_- I did what most eight-year-olds do and I slapped the opponents' hands, not giving them ...
20 The rest of mankind, who were not killed by these plagues, did not repent of the works of their hands nor give up worshiping demons and idols of gold and silver and bronze and stone and wood, which cannot see or hear or walk, 21 nor did they repent of their murders or their so...