This was a Big Deal back then when single women simply did not relocate for jobs. But my Mother, as usual, took center stage. “Goldie is moving to Charlotte. I don’t understand this at all,but I hear they have good shopping in Charlotte. We can go see Goldie and shop and buy th...
I’ve met a lot of people who have been told they seemed like Mensa material, who did not take the test because they feared they would fail. Pretty much all of these people were women I met at Mensa Annual Gatherings after they decided to take it anyway. Often they had attended events...
Silent movies were still being made, but the end was in sight with October's debut of 'The Jazz Singer' starring Al Jolson. The silents still had life in them, evidenced by the premier of the French director Abel Gances' epic 'Napoleon', restored this year. 'It' with Clara Bow, mad...