A deeply moving and singularly unique documentary, Liyana follows a group of orphans in Eswatini (formerly Swaziland) as they work together to write a story. Led by South African writer Gcina Mhlophe, the children create Liyana, their main character, and through the exploration of her fictiona...
This study is the first-ever study to document difficulties faced by adolescents in the self-disclosure of their status in Eswatini.Taylor And FrancisAfrican Journal of AIDS Research
艾史瓦帝尼王国(斯威士兰)旅行日历 Kingdom of eSwatini(Swaziland) 艾史瓦帝尼王国(斯威士兰) 159人去过这里,0条目的地点评 旅行日历 旅行季节编辑 当地节日 更新时间:2015-04-17编辑旅行日历信息