When and where was Mark Twain born, and when did he die? When did Dorothy Parker die? When did JK Rowling's mom die? Where was Dr. Seuss when he wrote his first book? When did William S. Burroughs die? When did Truman Capote die? When did Dave Eggers's parents die? When was En...
“Your pain is the breaking of the shell that encloses your understanding.”–Khalil Gibran “After all, how did you say goodbye to someone who wasn’t exactly gone?”–Richelle Mead “Feel, he told himself, feel, feel, feel. Even if what you feel is pain, only let yourself feel.”...
One year afterPredator's premiere, John McTiernan helmed another blockbuster that also kicked off a hugely popular action franchise:Die Hard. Based on Roderick Thorp's novelNothing Lasts Forever, this 1988 production follows John McClane, a police detective visiting his estranged wife in Los Angeles...
Once you experience being loved when you are unworthy, being forgiven when you did something wrong, that moves you into non-dual thinking. You move from what I call meritocracy, quid pro quo thinking, to the huge ocean of grace, where you stop counting or calculating. —Richard Rohr 145 A...
Oy I’m off to cut hair for the Rogers family, Ruth Rogers wife of Richard Rogers THE architect. She took over a disused warehouse building next door to her husband’s Offices by the river and turned it with a friend Rose Gray, into an Italian Restaurant. I did not need an introductio...
This plunged him, his wife Pilar del Rio says in her introduction to the novel, “into a painful, indelible silence that lasted decades”. As he himself explains, inthe biography he put together when he accepted the Nobel prize, he “started another one, but did not get past the first ...