When did Bram Stoker publish his first poem? When was Langston Hughes poem Dreams published? When was Keats's Bright Star published? When does Edgar die in Wuthering Heights? When was "Digging" by Seamus Heaney written? When does The Story of Edgar Sawtelle take place?
So for the here and now, did I go with the “Cindy gets away with an extra gummy bear and you don’t/Life is unfair/So deal with it”? Or did I give them what they expected, and confiscate the contraband, just to prolong their childhood faith in grown-ups’ ability and duty to ...
Author Jeremy MilesPosted on September 7, 2024Categories Meet on the LedgeTags 70, birthday, brothers, Emmy, Hollywood, Jeremy Miles, lighting design, siblings, Simon Miles, stage and screen, Writers, writingLeave a comment on Where did all that time go? You know you’re getting old when y...
When your ordinary Brooklynite or New Yorker, leading a life replete with too much luxury, or tired and careworn about his personal affairs, crosses the ferry or goes up Broadway, his fancy does not thus 'soar away into the colors of the sunset' as did Whitman's, nor does he inwardly ...
“i did say the classic thing: ‘excuse me—how much is this?’ and this prat actually said to me: ‘if you have to ask, it’s probably too much money.’ so i said, ‘you fucking cunt, go and get me the manager!’ and when he came i said to him, ‘i don’t know who ...
I’m interested about the communication between you and the people you have worked with before: was there an unspoken understanding of what you wanted, or did you pretty much grant them the space to bring their own personalities into your record? Did you write all the parts? Have you been...
Like a roundhouse kick to the head (Chuck Norris style), I was confronted with the heavy reminder that at some undetermined point in time, I too will die. And just like that – my mind started to go into a spiral of negative thoughts and worry. What if I die young? Am I living ...
It means, “The gun is loaded unless you personally have ensured that it was not loaded and it has not left your sight since you did it.” When I show somebody one of my guns, I will, if at all possible, do something to render it physically unable to fire (remove the bolt, ...
did many fff before must well back through years much where your way down should because long each just state those people too mr how little good world make very year still see own work men day get here old life both between being under three never know same last another while us off ...