When did Marco Polo reach India? When did Hernan Cortes start exploring? When did Alexander the Great invade India? When did Leif Erikson land in Vinland? When did Babur rule India? When did Zheng He explore? When did Clovis spread Christianity?
WhenChristianitybeganmakingconverts 改变信仰here,theRomansbeheaded杀头 him.But,accordingtolegend,Dennisjust pickeduphisheadandkeptongoing. Inspiredbythismiracle,Christianity flourishedandthetemplewasreplacedby achurch.Imaginethefaithofpeoplewho builtthisbreakinggroundin1163ona ...
Ron Grossman
How the heck did they pass undetected by Israeli or US intelligence? If they were numerous enough, armed enough, and organized enough to stage a complete overthrow of a government, why did noone suspect or seem to know anything? How were they funded or sponsored? Were they good guys or ba...
Even though Buddhism entered China much earlier, it did not really begin to show expansion until the seventh century. During this same period, trade along the Silk Road also boomed. Chinese sculpture thus found itself highly influenced by Buddhist art brought from India and Central Asia through ...
When did Vasco da Gama reach India? When did Alexander the Great conquer Persia? When did Kublai Khan rule? When was Kublai Khan born? When did Clovis spread Christianity? When was the Mongol Empire? When did Clovis I rule? When were the Mayan temples built? When did the Olmecs begin?
did not long continue. Aroused by the danger of seeing his personal control of the order set aside and himself treated as a negligible factor, Weishaupt sought opportunities of asserting his prerogatives, and the ambition of Knigge being scarcely less selfish than that of Weishaupt, the two men...
“Due to mis-translations of theBible, neither Christianity nor Judaism relates Human souls as aspects of God. Neither admits the Divinity contained within each Human.” “The single most important thing a Human can do is realize their true identity as an aspect of God, a Spirit Being.” ...
Detractors have claimed that Pius XII did not “do enough” because, as they say, he did not “speak out” publicly against Hitler during the Second World War. Yet this was part of his strategy, for as our own Walid Shoebat noted in one of his studies on Pope Pius XII: ...
and as we walked out, Anyeley was floored. “That’s what Christianity can look like,” she said. “You can sell high-cut bikinis and promote your Bible study at the same time—I love it!” I loved that too, the way the entire globe can shrink down to three very different people....