When did the Chinese invent the compass?A. 2000 years ago B. 1000 years ago C. 1500 years ago 相关知识点: 试题来源: 解析 句意:中国人是什么时候发明指南针的?invent是动词,意为“发明”;compass是名词,意为“指南针”。指南针的发明可以追溯到战国时期(前476年-前221年),当时的人们用磁石做占卜...
已知C2H4(g)和C2H5OH(1)的燃烧热分别是-1411.0kJ•mol-1和-1366.8kJ•mol-1,则由C2H4(g)和H2O(l)反应生成C2H5OH(l)的△H为( ) A.-44.2kJ•mol-1 B.+44.2kJ•mlo-1 C.-330kJ•mol-1 D.+330kJ•mlo-1 ...
32 When did the Chinese invent the compass? A In 1492. B In the thirteen century A.D. C In A.D. 80. D At least 2000 years ago. 33 Which of the following about the ladle-shaped compass is true? A The "handle" of the ladle pointed south. B The "handle...
When did the Chinese invent the compass? A.In 1492. B.In the thirteen century A.D. C.In A.D.80. D.At least 2000 years ago.查看答案更多“When did the Chinese invent the compass?A.In 1492.B.In the thirteen century A.D.C.In A.D.8”相关的问题 第1题 有哪些原因引起泵串轴?怎...
2.Yesterday the rooms (clean) by Tom . was invented were cleaned If a thing is worth doing it is worth worth doing well 4a Rewrite the sentences using the passive voice. They sold the fridge at a low price. 2. Somebody stole my camera from my hotel room. 3. Where did you take ...
When did the colonization of Africa began? When was the Bantu Education Law passed? When was the washer and dryer invented? When did Hypatia invent the astrolabe? When was silk invented? When was rice invented? When was the seed drill invented in China?
2) Yes, she did. The telephone was invented in 1876.3) Because she couldn’t afford one. They were expensive in those days.3. Watch and read, and pay attention to the passive voice.一般过去时的被动语态:was/ were + doneVI. Pair work (1c)...
1.I think the umbrella is one of the greatest inventions (invent) in history.2.David was heard (hear) to sing a song in his bedroom just now.3.The light is used for seeing (see) in the dark.4.It is really my pleasure(please) to have a chance to work with you.5.The new ...
compass指南针 gunpowder火药 造纸术 印刷术 What’sthiscalledinEnglish?cartelevisiontelephonemicrowave oven calculatorlightbulb computer battery Lookatthethings.Inwhatorderdoyouthinktheywereinvented?A:Ithinkthecalculatorwasinventedbeforethecomputer.B:Well,Ithinkthecalculatorwasinventedafterthecomputer.A:Ithink…was...
学会单词invent,以及beusedfor的用法三、通过熟悉我们周围经常使用发明物的历史来开阔眼界,丰富自己的阅历,使自己养成勤于思考,善于总结的好习惯。Unit6 Whenwasitinvented?(sectionA1a-1c)SectionA Chinesefourgreatancientinventions compass Papermaking gunpowder printing •1.inventv.发明→n.invention发明•→...