One example of how artists and scientists have together rocked the senses came last month when the Sydney Symphony Orchestra performed a reworked version of Antonio Vivaldi's The Four Seasons.They reimagined the 300-year-old score (乐谱总谱) by integrating the latest climate predictio...
When did Masaccio die? When was Lao Tzu born? When was Filippo Lippi born? When was Arnold Schoenberg born? When was the goddess Isis born? When was Winslow Homer born? When was Johann Sebastian Bach born? When did Sofonisba Anguissola die? When was Antonio Vivaldi born? When was Antonin...
When did pop music become popular? When was the classical music period? When did rock and roll music become popular? When was George Gershwin born? When was musical notation invented? When did Antonio Vivaldi start writing music? When did Felix Mendelssohn start writing music? Why is jazz musi...
UPDATE 04/01/20:I was able to ssh into one of the MacBook Airs that was frozen. You can run commands liketopand others. I attempted to force quit and that did not change anything. I also tried to kill theloginwindowno go. Finally I attempted to restart the device withsudo ...