When was Anne Sullivan born? When did Anne Bonny get married? When was Isabella of France queen of England? When did Catherine de Medici get married? When did Henry Tudor's mother die? When did Anne Bonny die? When was Queen Mary I born?
When was Anne Boleyn buried? When was Xerxes born? When was Ptolemy born? When was Oliver Cromwell exhumed? When did Augustus Jackson die? When did King George II die? When was Medgar Evers buried? When was Grigori Rasputin born?
When did Anne Boleyn give birth to Elizabeth I? When was William Henry Harrison born? When was Thomas Wolsey born? When was Henry IV excommunicated? When did George II become king? When did Charles VII die? When did Louis XVI became king?
本题为分析推理题。在第二个话轮中,男士首先指出Abraham Lincoln被刺的时间是1865年4月14日(It was on April 14, 1865),而在第三个话轮中男士又说明了Lincoln死亡的时间是在第二天早上(He died early the next morning).结合这两处即可知,具体时间是1865年4月15日早上,即[C]项正确。
Jane Austen was born in 1775, at a time when most women did not have a profession or work outside of the home. For this reason, when the family needed... Learn more about this topic: Jane Austen: Biography and Major Novels from ...
So begins Wolfgang Borchert’s Draussen vor der Tür (The Man Outside), a “play,” the subtitle tells us, “no theatre will produce and no public will want to see.” Borchert completed The Man Outside only a little over a year after the...
How old was Anne of Cleves when she got married? How old was Anne Boleyn at her death? What year did Anne of Cleves die? How old was Anne Boleyn when Elizabeth was born? How old was Anne Boleyn when she became queen? How old was Catherine de Medici when she died?
When did Anne Boleyn become queen? When did Eleanor of Aquitaine's husband Henry die? When did King Philip IV die? When was Henry Every born? When did Eleanor of Aquitaine become queen of England? When did William the Conqueror die?
Julius Caesar, born Gaius Julius Caesar on either July 12 or 13 100 BC, was a famous Roman politician, military general, and historian. Caesar was a central figure in the events that led to the eventual demise of the Roman Republic and the rise of the Roman Empire. Caesar was assassinated...
How did Virginia Woolf die? How old was Mary Wollstonecraft when she died? How old was Elizabeth Blackwell when she died? How old was Elizabeth of York when she died? How old was Emily Bronte when she died? How old was Susanna Dickinson when she died?