That's long before Anakin Skywalker was born, and in an era where numerous Jedi were around. The first episode opens up with the series' signature blue-texted prologue stating, “A hundred years before the rise of the Empire, it is a time of peace. The Jedi Order and Galactic Republic...
“Why is Anakin so stupid? All that old guy has to do is say,”Search your feelings,” and it’s game over.” (The apparently effortless manipulation of Anakin really irked us all.) “If they want to hide Luke, why did they put him with Anakin’s half-brother? That’s his real ...
Looks more like a safe place for you to hide while you send children to die in battle. And if your motives are so pure, why is your operation funded by the Hutts? Your cause was already lost as soon as you resorted to kidnapping and working for the Hutts!...