Halloween, traditionally called “All Hallows’ Eve,” is celebrated on the evening before the Christian holy day of All Hallows’ Day or All Saints’ Day (November 1). Therefore, Halloween is always celebrated onOctober 31. When Is Halloween This Year?
FYI..Halloween did NOT start off as a “celebration connected with evil spirits,”although the pagan festival of Samhain was celebrated about the same time. “Halloween” is a contraction of “All Hallow’s Eve” (Hallows-evening, Hallow-eve, Hallow-e’en), and is the night before the Fe...
“feasts of All Saints and All Souls,” and the day before it was dubbed “All-Hallows’-Eve.” The new holidays looked a lot different from the original Celtic festival, but many traditions4around, including the practice of offering food to the dead. The food of choice for Christians ...