Trinidad & Tobago, W.I. -...At a time when others seek to claim The Steelpan as their own, this graphic is a reminder that This (Trinidad and Tobago) is ‘Pan Country.’ These words are expressed in two diagonally opposite quadrants of a circle along with images of Trinidad and Tobag...
We can do this by combining the information from our habit cycles with our own positive ideas. For example, we could try to replace a negative routine with something more positive. So, when we feel unhappy again (cue), rather than eat snacks, we could listen to some of our favourite ...
Then neighbors asked Kristin if their family could put a picnic table in their front yard too. A movement was born. “It was a simple way to slow down and connect with others,” she says. The turquoise table...
squeezed(挤)inso 24 tomethatIcouldhardlyseewhatIwasdoing.Iaskedhertogivememore 25 butshesaidshewastryingtoseemymoveclearly.“Youdon?thavetoseewhatI?mdoing.You canmakeyourowndesign!”Itoldherina(n) 26 voice.“Ican!”shesaid.Butshewasstillusing 27 thesamethingasIwasusing. Later,Mareyasuggestedpl...
“It will always be a part of me. It will always have a place in my heart. I hope I can see it again because I really miss it.” 1. Why did Nan go into the ocean? 2. How many years had Nan worked as a marine biologist in the ocean?
When you could use the money for a down payment Though ideally you could time your CD to purchases you were planning, such as a house or a car, sometimes life doesn’t work out that way. So if you need to make an early withdrawal from a CD for a major purchase, it will likely ma...
The biggest monthly expense for many households is the rent or mortgage payment. Related to your kids growing up and moving out, this could be a great time to downsize your housing. The idea that we “needed” bigger houses in the first place is mostly a function of marketing. Many househ...
5. Which of the following is NOT mentioned by Laura as something Americans have a difficult time doing? A. Criticizing President Bush. B. Having family members deployed in Iraq. C. Worrying about their family members in Iraq. D. Watching American troops in Iraq. ...
93911 gold badge77 silver badges1212 bronze badges 1 If I got you right. There are two questiones. You want to know why main() function not work? What's the best practice? Q1 main()blocked at makeHTTPRequest, and during that time, context had timeout. So, not work as ...
“what i had under my control was that i could go to class and focus on the work,” she says. gebru’s focus paid off. in september 2001 she enrolled at stanford. naturally, she chose the family major, electrical engineering, and before long her trajectory began to embody the silicon ...