Ansible的When条件是Ansible中的一种条件语句,用于在执行Playbook时根据条件判断是否执行特定的任务或操作。通过使用When条件,可以根据主机的状态、变量的值或其他条件来决定执行哪些任务,从而实现更加灵活和可控的自动化管理。 当When条件满足时,相关的任务会被执行;当When条件不满足时,相关的任务会被跳过。这样可以根据...
Ansible is an open-source automation tool used for configuring and managing IT infrastructure. One of the powerful features of Ansible is the use of conditional statements, which allow users to control the flow of playbooks based on certain conditions. In Ansible, the "when" condition is used ...
在Ansible中,when语句用于在执行任务之前进行条件判断。它允许根据变量的值或其他条件来决定是否执行任务。当语句可以包含多个变量替换,以便更灵活地进行条件判断。 当语句的语法如下: 代码语言:txt 复制 when: condition 其中,condition是一个表达式,可以使用多个变量替换。可以使用以下运算符来构建条件: 等于(==) 不等...
- name: Example playbook with when condition hosts: localhost vars: is_production: true tasks: - name: Only run in production environment debug: msg: "This task only runs in production environment" when: is_production ``` 在上面的例子中,任务"Only run in production environment"只会在is_produ...
I was wondering, if it is possible to use variable in a search string within a WHEN block: - name: Ansible site-ios-xe-L2-L3-Metrics-Check hosts: IDFiosxe vars_files: - /home/cisco/Ansible/vault_password.yml vars: ansible_become_pass: "{{ vault_sudo_password }}" ansible_python_int...
ansible when条件语句用法 参考 基本用法 复制-hosts:alltasks:-include:Ubuntu.ymlwhen:ansible_os_family=="Ubuntu"-include:RHEL.ymlwhen:ansible_os_family=="RedHat" 语法 复制When:condition1and/orcondition2 举例 复制when:ansible_distributionin['RedHat','CentOS','ScientificLinux']and(ansible_distribution...
也就是说,Ansible的block不是一个执行的单元,when条件不是应用到block,而是block中的所有task。如果没有注意到这一点,有时就会出现下面这样的问题。 -block:-name:task1...# VAR is defined in task2.yml-include_tasks:task2.yml-name:task3...when:VARisundefined ...
Ansible可能会在未来推出类似于run_once_when_condition_true的功能,但现在并没有(截止2021年2月)。 变通的方式: run_once和when同时出现会导致以下BUG:如果第一个host满足when条件那么BUG不触发,否则task被跳过(就是因为在第一个host上when条件未满足)。
In any case in Ansible 2.3 and above we do special case this type of condition so it seems to work as you expect, but it is really executing the with_ loop first, just deferring the error and checking the when for an undefined check. In the future, this might be a topic more well...
Summary When including a role with name: Include role include_role: name: my_role when: my_conditional I am given the following error: ERROR! Unexpected Exception, this is probably a bug: 'NoneType' object has no attribute '_play' Issue ...