In the early weeks, before your supply has regulated, you will likely have more milk than you need. If you start pumping during this period, you may end up with oversupply. Wait 3-4 weeks if you can. If you must return to work within 3-4 weeks, start pumping sooner. When can you ...
(Learn how to store breast milk safely.) You'll also need to clean your pump parts (more on that below). Advertisement | page continues below When should I start pumping? If your baby is exclusively breastfeeding and gaining weight appropriately, experts recommend waiting to pump until you ...
1 You can give your baby the expressed drops of colostrum (using a dropper, spoon, or small medicine cup) to encourage your little one to feed. For a baby born prematurely Premature, low-birthweight, or sick babies who are unable to suckle at the breast will need expressed milk until ...
1 The mother should start expressing her milk,and that milk(colostrum),either alone,or mixed with sugar water, should be fed to the baby,preferably by finger feeding If it is difficult get colostrum(often hand expression works better than a pump in the first few days), then sugar water al...