you might think, she's just like every other independent Scotswoman - she lives to shop.So, there was nothing else for it but to have our very own Sex in the City-style girls' day out. It's a hard job but someone has to do it...Visiting some of Edinburgh's most plush shops, ...
Taste Test: Sex Kitten or Frilly Frump; How Would Your Partner Dress You? What Happens When You Give a Bloke Free Rein to Choose Your Clothes? Will He Interpret Your Taste Perfectly or Attempt to Turn You into a Carbon Copy of Britney (C... Here at M we like a bloke to take an ...
T Mirror - Taste Test: Sex Kitten or Frilly Frump; How Would Your Partner Dress You? What Happens When You Give a Bloke Free Rein to Choose Your Clothes? Will He Interpret Your Taste Perfectly or Attempt to Turn You into a Carbon Copy of Britney (Complete with Gymslip)? We Challenged ...