whencanireusethiscalendar? Did you find a 1969Moon Landing Memoriescalendar in your closet? Are you too cheap to throw out the 2024 calendar you never bothered to open? Now you can party like it's 1902 thanks toWhenCanIReuseThisCalendar.com!
Beep beep elves coming through. This holiday season should look a bit more normal than last year, but many of us will still be wearing masks when out, and it’s nice to see the elves doing their part (you can find tinyface masks for The Elf On The Shelfat many online stores). Don...
Thanks @bryanpackman - I tried a few other versions and can confirm it works as expected all the way up to vue 2.5.15 (see https://codesandbox.io/s/1yyz9m1ll) so looks like the issue only applies to vue 2.5.16 + vue-router 3.0.1. If I get some time I'll try to debug what...
Use a wash basin (盆) to wash fruits, vegetables and dishes instead of running water. Turn off the tap (水龙头) after each use. Water your plants in need. Collect rainwater to reuse. LET'S MAKE THE DAY MORE THAN A DATEIN THE CALENDAR. ...
As such, some SID IDs will legitimately have only one record, but it was important to distinguish whether a patient should have just one or a handful of records (i.e., they were a visitor, and as such, can be excluded if analysing case history/health/life events) or whether their ...
Even half-year storage of EOU mobile phones can significantly reduce the possibility of reuse, and storage for more than a year inhibits it altogether, because it is highly implausible to find a second user for phones older than two years. 5. Discussion There seems to be an immense resource...
the adopted daughter of Jimi’s father Al Hendrix following his marriage to her mother in 1966, when she was five. “My dad would say: there’s nothing we can do to bring him back.” But, she emphasises, “I am 100 per cent committed to the mission of preserving and protecting [his...
Even half-year storage of EOU mobile phones can significantly reduce the possibility of reuse, and storage for more than a year inhibits it altogether, because it is highly implausible to find a second user for phones older than two years. 5. Discussion There seems to be an immense resource...