fajr (dawn) / subh (morning) prayer for example, this is a time of prayer not a time of calcutions or washing cars, it is time of worship, reciting quran, praying, and dhikr (the remembrance of Allah), and it was narrated by Aisha may Allah be pleased with her, that the...
They pray in the balcony hallway, no matter the weather..I’m happy to see this place, a real rewarding satisfaction felt through me, good is being done here, there are about 40 orphans residing in this madressa….I’m downstairs in the small security covered spaced next to the gates, ...
There is a set of duas that should be made in the morning, the majority being found in the Fortress of the Muslim. Either purchase a copy of the pocket-sized book or download it as a dua app on your phone. Spend some time after fajr reciting these essential duas asking Allah سب...
“Nice Shirt”, took Annie from her and started towards the parking lot. As we were getting ready to get into the car I saw the design on the back of our car that reads “Baby on Board
Spend some time after fajr reciting these essential duas asking Allah to make your day a productive one, protecting you against the whispers of shaytan and the distractions of dunya. Here are a few duas from the morning adhkar (taken from the Fortress of the Muslim) that can give a ...