T hat's a rery close look o f how things are on the ground . It helped r escuc tcams a lot .WFP's Emergency Preparedness and Resp onse Branch produced a series o f clear maps showing the damage o f Haiti . The maps ha re been produced in partnership with a researe h and ...
Single-choice questions are easy for survey participants to understand. Responses are easy to analyze. Results are easy to present. The drawback of single-choice questions is that they can’t always provide all the choices that might be relevant. In the sample question, for example, there are...
In a way, this is an optimistic assessment, because we know that efforts are underway to reduce oil production, in order to prop up prices. We are, in effect, assuming either that (a) oil prices won’t really rise, so that oil consumption will grow at a rate similar to that in the...
8. Test stand-alone dump setup It is critical for the Operations staff to train and practice taking a stand-alone dump on occasion, to become familiar with the procedure and to ensure all data sets are set up properly before you run into a critical situation. This includes the set up ...
Methods for isolating activation in task-based fMRI, where an experimental stimulus can be modelled, are well-developed and validated. However, this differentiation is more challenging in resting state fMRI, where we have no model of the intrinsic brain activity of interest. Instead, in these ...
I changed them with 6.35 mm balanced TRS > XLR cable and noise gone. Reply User profile for user: HWTech HWTech User level: Level 9 62,936 points Jan 5, 2021 11:11 PM in response to semihyildiz If you are using the laptop's power adapter, then make sure to use the ...
This analysis produced a β-coefficient and associated t-statistic for each voxel and regressor. Percent signal-change maps were generated by dividing signal intensity at each voxel by the mean voxel intensity and multiplying by 100. 2.3.3. Group-level fMRI prediction error analyses Primary ...
The Learning Company was founded by Ann McCormick, Leslie Grimm, Teri Perl and famed Atari 2600 programmer Warren Robinett in 1980 in Palo Alto, California. The Learning Company are most known for their classics such as; Reader Rabbit, the original Fisher-Price titles, the later editions of th...
The diversity of pathways that are thus affected by RNA insertions likely reflects the ancestral function of RNA molecules in genome maintenance and transmission. Keywords: DNA repair; genetic recombination; genetic stability; transcription; RNA; ribonucleotide; DNA:RNA hybrid; R-loop Citation: Palan...
Although they are currently usually understood as two different cultures, interdisciplinary situations of collaboration and interchange occur, often via a nexus of digital culture and the use of computers. According to [1], since the appearance of computers, scientists and artists have found a common...