Greeting cards may be a "duh" gift, but are heartwarming nevertheless. Punchbowl's selection probably blows that of your local CVS out of the water, and it offers myriad customization options — you can even throw in a gift card from stores like Amazon, Target, Disney, and Sephora. Cards...
Black Friday and Cyber Monday Save up to $400 With Post-Cyber Monday Apple Deals Amazon's Cyber Monday Deals Are Still Happening This Is Your Last Chance at Cyber Week Savings The Best Cyber Week Deals at Sephora
'Tis the season of gift giving, and nowadays, sales are starting earlier and earlier. But if you weren't able to get all of your presents during Black Friday and Cyber Monday, or if you're a true last-minute shopping (no judgement!), you could find yourself holiday shopping late into...
“I would take cash and not my credit cards because if I walk into Sephora, I’m going to be tempted — there’s always going to be something that you want.” Brooks said she only buys items she knows are useful and not because it’s on sale. “It’s abou...
Greeting cards may be a "duh" gift, but are heartwarming nevertheless. Punchbowl's selection probably blows that of your local CVS out of the water, plus customization like text and photos or a gift card from partners like Amazon, Disney, and Sephora. Cards can be sent to multiple recipien...
Don’t forget to throw in a birthday gift. A product or discount code/coupon can go a long way in delighting your customers on their special day. Here’s an example of Sephora nailing their birthday celebration emails: Source Further Reading:9 Types of Transactional Emails Every Marketer Shoul...
These tubes are perfect for keeping in their bag or pocket, and once you know which color is their favorite, it'll become your go-to stocking stuffer every year! Summer Fridays, Sephora I have a few of these butter balms, and they feel so luxurious, and have just the right am...