After New Hampshire, presidential candidates face a steady procession of primaries and caucuses leading up to the Republican National Convention in July, when the party's delegates will officially select their nominee. Here's what comes next after the Granite State: What are the Republican primaries...
In elections such as congressional primaries, where information levels are extremely low and party cues do not help voters distinguish candidates, name recognition is perhaps the most important factor. In these situations, even negative coverage can benefit a campaign because it raises voter familiarity...
Tuesday, March 17— Arizona Democratic primary (78 delegates), Florida primaries (248 delegates), Illinois primaries (184 delegates), Ohio primaries (153 delegates) The final primaries take place in June. The Democratic convention is slated for July 13-16 in Milwaukee. The only real contests in...
the false frames are tossed around with no regard for facts. During the Democratic primaries, Hillary’s critics portrayed Bernie Sanders as pure good and Hillary as pure evil. That’s hogwash. They are both politicians who make judgments and adopt positions...
Trump adding “You (churchin’ people) are the most powerful group in the country, but you have to band together”. Trump claimed to Pat Robertson to have gotten rid, by executive order, of the Johnson Amendment that threatens the loss of tax-exempt status to churches that speak ...
What are the Republican primaries after New Hampshire? After Trump's win became apparent in New Hampshire, Haley vowed to remain in the race. Assuming she does, the campaigns will shift their focus to the upcoming states, with South Carolina the next major prize. ...