Tan Huosheng, Deputy Director of School of Social Sciences of Tsinghua University, had written an article to explain whole-process people's democracy. In his opinion, the “whole” means all people are involved in the process of democracy. In addition, the channel for vulnerable groups and mar...
which was approved by two-thirds of lawmakers in both chambers, would only allow hand counts by local election officials under narrow circumstances. The exceptions are for regularly scheduled elections with fewer
Copeland, Gary W
This arrangement was made by the previous coalition and not prolonged after the elections. The community was astonished, and brought the matter to court: “We ended at the judge in administrative law in Arnhem. A year we have spent on prosecution, with a lawyer and made many costs. The ...
. In other contexts (e.g., promotions, elections), outcomes are more visible than interim performance. Future work should explore the rela- tionship between expectations and persistence when interim performance and even final performance out- comes are invisible to others. In these sett...