View further author informationleon.siefken@gmail.comLeon SiefkenView further author informationleon.siefken@gmail.comLeon SiefkenView further author informationleon.siefken@gmail.comLeon SiefkenView further author information
Decision-makers confronted with the economic opportunities entailed by GAI adoption are thus most likely to be invested by an ethical dilemma, having to choose whether to prioritize speed in technological adoption or ensuring ethical compliance to technological use for human flourishing purposes. This di...
Agreements regarding cooperation during times of both health and hardship, as detailed in health manifestos, serve as the basis for this.Lanthanide complexes supported by Vanol exhibit a strong circularly polarized luminescence at 1550nm, representing the initial examples of Vanol coordination with ...
jargon can be very confusing and intimidating, but there are ways round it to help you understand. If any of my readers want me to do a blog series on each of the ‘big 7’ political party manifestos and what they really mean (to my understanding), let me know in the comments below...
1. Art manifestos, despite the good intentions of the writer should always “be taken with a grain of salt” as the cliché goes, because they are subject to the ego, pretensions, and plain old ignorance and stupidity of their authors. This goes all the way back to the Die Brücke mani...
“All boards, agencies and sectors of government, the private sector and the public will be engaged so that no one will be left out, so we can explain the measures to be rolled out and get further input because we are in this together,” Premier Fahie said. ...
When are Populist Parties Populist? A Study of Populist Sentiment in Election Manifestos of Germany鈥檚 AfD and Die LinkeLeon Siefken
When are Populist Parties Populist? A Study of Populist Sentiment in Election Manifestos of Germany鈥檚 AfD and Die LinkeLeon Siefken
When are Populist Parties Populist? A Study of Populist Sentiment in Election Manifestos of Germany鈥檚 AfD and Die LinkeLeon Siefken