The fix I checked the host to see if I was even using the Mellanox drivers, and thankfully I wasn’t and could safely remove them. If you are using the drivers that are causing the conflict, DO NOT REMOVE them as it could disconnect all network interfaces from your host. In my...
With the proposed new approach, it is assumed that the result obtained through the application of the AHP is due to the consideration of a deterministic situation, that is, without uncertainty. This situation is called Scenario S0. Therefore, to apply GMUBO, three additional scenarios are going...
1. Introduction Today, reciprocating machines are used in various process installations and power plants: internal (and external) combustion engines, compressors, pumps, etc. Engineers and scientists are constantly looking for ways to improve their performance by redesigning or tweaking the operating ...
In general, however, there are two such confluences, as illustrated by Figure 1, a presinusoidal confluence and an intrasinusoidal one. This particular feature of the liver microcirculation allows to investigate selectively the response of a substantial region of the periportal parenchyma, provided ...
The enumerated data all contain their own set of shortcomings, for example, sampling bias, due to their varied attractiveness to different kinds of urban inhabitants. Cell phone tracking records are considered to have high representativeness of users and may suffer least of all from the bias ...
Introduction In recent years, forest fires (i.e., large and destructive fires that spread over a forest or area of woodland) have received increasing attention due to their effects on climate change and ecosystems. Forest fires occur regularly, vary in scale and impacts and are inherent to ...