Asian people are the fastest-growing racial group in the country. At about 24 million people, they make up 7% of the U.S. population—nearly 40% of them of Chinese descent, according to census data. They are a highly diverse population, yet there's little research on howcardiovascular dis...
They will be able to move through earthquake rubble(瓦砾) to look for people or move under doors to find information about someone.This may seem strange, but the Japanese government thinks the research is very important. The government is giving the scientists $ 5 million for this research....
Immunogenicity and safety of 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine when administered to healthy Japanese adults aged >/=50 years: An open-label trial. Hum Vaccin Immunother 2014; 10(7):1850-8. :Shiramoto M, Irie S, Juergens C, Yamaji M, Tamai S, Aizawa M, Belanger T, Gruber WC, ...
Japaneseartof 21 paperintodifferentobjects.My7-year-oldsonhadno 22 ofmycomingand thatmakesit 23 forme. Wewereabouttotakethe 24 whenIgotmyfirst“starringmoment”.“Whoisthisdaddy? Why ishewalkinginafunnyway? Howishegoingtoclimbthestairs?” 25 these,mywifehelpedme withoneofmycrutches(拐杖). Li...
The best bits of travel are sightseeing and eating - and munching on street snacks lets you enjoy both at the same time. Asia is the undisputed king of enticing, flavorful street foods, from Hong Kong egg waffles to Japanese takoyaki. Here’s our round-up of 50 must-try delicacies.In ...
Data on other populations such as children are scarce. One approach to relate adult data to children is to scale the adults’ reference injury values to children. To do so, one maps adult parameters to equivalent child parameters using known physiological characteristics of body parts, considered ...
Japanese time, an American B-29 bomber, the Enola Gay, drops the world’s first atom bomb, over the city of Hiroshima. Approximately 80,000 people are killed as a direct result of the blast, and another 35,000 are injured. At least another 60,000 would be dead by the end of the ...
Years later,I went into training as a teacher,teaching English to newly-arrived students and adults.Many of my students were Japanese,which(6) Bme of Natsumi.Though I had long been looking for her,my searches had so far led nowhere. On a visit to Japan in 2018,I(...
although they saw the U shape emerge assleep durationdropped significantly from about age 10 into the 50s and get a little longer after that. Studies of a large population of Japanese and French residents have shown a similar pattern. The increased sleep time later in life may reflect the rea...
Bill S. Preston, Esquire, you would likely either be impressed by the title or laugh hysterically when you realize he’s just a California dude. But this is no average bro, as Bill and his pal Ted are destined to create music that will forever change the universe for future civilizations...