Where is the HIV virus found in the body? When did the hepatitis A vaccine come out? When was encephalitis discovered? Where did AIDS start in the U.S.? How did HIV originate in humans? When was antiretroviral therapy discovered? When were platelets discovered? Is HIV a communicable disease?
How are ebola and the Spanish flu alike? Is cholera a pandemic? What is the etiology of Ebola? Did Ebola come from monkeys? How do pandemics start? Where does smallpox occur? What should people do in a flu pandemic? How does an epidemic end?
They are called Meganthropus (Big Man) and may have belonged to a local kind of Australopithecine, but this is not certain, If so, Homo erectus coexisted with, or overlapped, the Anstralopithecines in Java as well as in South Africa, which implies that man did not originate in eithe...
Where did smallpox come from? Where is leprosy found on the body? How often have influenza pandemics appeared? Where did measles originate? What are the symptoms of the pneumonic plague? Where is gonorrhea found in the world? What is the history of influenza? Is the Black Death and bubon...
Is smallpox an epidemic or pandemic? Why do pandemics occur? Where and when did the bubonic plague first enter Europe? What was the swine flu epidemic? Where does cholera go between pandemics? What is the swine flu virus? Why was the flu pandemic of 1918 so deadly? What year was the ...
Ask a Homework Question Tutors available × Our tutors are standing by Ask a question and one of our academic experts will send you an answer within hours. Make sure to include all the information needed to answer the question. Please direct questions about technical support or the Study.com ...
The flu vaccine is credited with saving thousands of lives each year while also preventing personal and business losses through employees taking sick leave caused by the illness. The flu, officially known as influenza, is a respiratory virus that causes congestion, coughing, runny nose, and often...
When AIDS first became an epidemic in the U.S. and a worldwide pandemic soon after, no one knew what caused the disease. It wasn't until 1984 that a French lab isolated the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) responsible for AIDS.
When the world first learned of AIDS, it was a mysterious disease that caused the immune system to fail and rare forms of cancer and respiratory disease to develop. At one point, it was considered a disease only affecting gay men until heroin addicts and heterosexual woman became ill. This ...
An infectious disease is one which can be passed from the infected organism to another organism. There are many types of infectious diseases, including measles, viruses, chicken pox, and even the common cold.Answer and Explanation: The spread of a disease is declared to be a pandemic when ...