14. What are your thoughts on Affirmative Action? 15. Can you describe any relevant, salient, or critical moments from our class this past semester? What were some important readings, conversations, activities, discussions, or disagreements that you can recall? Why do think these things stand ...
The conservative/biased U.S. Supreme Court and how they are using their power to roll back/take away civil rights for women (especially when it comes to making decisions about our own bodies/medical care) and minorities (especially affirmative action). Also, the Israeli and U.S. governments ...
Caroline Crenshaw, an SEC commissioner, furnished an example. Suppose an executive had created a preset trading plan while they had no material nonpublic information. SEC rules, she said, would "provide an affirmative defense for the planned trades against allegations of insider trading." However, ...
Procedure Participants started each session by following a link to the Unipark platform where they were welcomed, provided with information about the experimental procedure and the use of their data, and then offered the opportunity to either give informed consent or abort. Afterwards, they were ...
From December 2010 to December 2012, the world saw waves of demonstrations, protests, and otheranti-governmentactions during theArab Spring. Discussed in“Fortune Magazine” this year,gamificationis supposed to use the mechanics of how to get gamers addicted toward generating more business. ...
LET’S GET MY LINEAGE ON THE TABLE: I’m a WASP whose ancestors stepped off the Mayflower. My historic dispensations--including 24-hour-a-day affirmative action 365 days a year--are gifts I don’t even have to open. I’m certain they are the qualifications that got me my corporate ...
I grew up believing that following the news makes you a better citizen. Eight years after having quit, that idea now seems ridiculous—that consuming a particularly unimaginative information product on a daily basis somehow makes you thoughtful and infor