He was verbally, mentally, and emotionally abusive to her. She swears to her sister that she hasn't been doing drugs or drinking for a while now. I am planning on leaving my husband to help her. She also thinks she has PTSD. Am I doing the right thing? Answer: The answer to your...
Children prone to opinions and arguing often grow up to be great leaders. They are likely to stand strong in their convictions, and might have an easier time resisting peer pressure. They often grow up to be successful in the things they pursue. But if you have a kid that is prone to ...
behavior in his article series, https://www.empoweringparents.com/article/kids-who-are-verbally-abusive-part-1-the-creation-of-a-defiant-child/ and https://www.empoweringparents.com/article/when-kids-get-ugly-how-to-stop-threats-and-verbal-abuse-part-2/. Thank you for being a loyal...
Second, you are not alone wondering what to do when adult children won’t leave home. This is probably one of the top 5 questions I get asked.Adult kids staying at home is alarmingly on the rise. Just last night I was talking to a woman who was telling me about her 55 year old br...
parents who are overwhelmed and unsure of what to do when their child is behaving in abusive and destructive ways. You are not alone. Something I often recommend is setting a limit with your son during a calm time about his behavior when not getting his way. What this might look like is...
While you may feel worried those first few words aren't emerging soon enough, it's important to remember that children develop skills at different times. As long as your baby's chatter is progressing and they are engaging with you and others, there's likely no need to worry. ...
Evolutionary psychology expert David Buss joins us to discuss his book When Men Behave Badly: The Hidden Roots of Sexual Deception, Harassment, and Assault.
Your cat may be imitating you whenever they meow after a sneeze. The meow could be their version of sneezing, or they could be imitating how people say “bless you” after a sneeze. Since they cannot speak, they respond verbally like your children, partner, or friend does after you sneeze...
“So in some ways you are not happy in this marriage.” “I guess the biggest thing is the control factor. I’ve allowed Jean to take control of this marriage, because of her multiple sclerosis and because she came from such an abusive marriage.* She was dictated to, told what clothes...
My kids have suffered because dad and mom have been very neglectful of them and verbally abusive to them, me because I’m miserable, him because he behaves roughly by nature. I love my husband despite his flaws, but I believe I’m learning now to love myself and want better for me ...