The unfortunate reality is, even after an empath leaves the relationship, the narcissist ex-partner will always view you as their scapegoat and their mirror for the projection of their own issues, and they do not want to let go or give up their access to narcissistic supply. They will do ...
Here are some important things to remember: a cheat sheet to get you through tough times. And maybe to help him see the truth of his ways. He loves you so much, but hates himself even more. He’s lost. You two may have such an obvious, beautiful opportunity for love but he squander...
brace yourself for his angry, nasty text messages. Or he may block you altogether. In contrast to a “normal” partner, a narcissist won’t try to reach out to find out why you’re ignoring him, because he doesn’t care about your feelings. It ...
This type of behavior is often a reaction to a childhood completely dominated by a narcissistic parent (or parents)- controlled in all aspects of his young life and not allowed to develop control over his own life. So, why do narcissists need control? What happens if they lose control? An...
At first glance, you might think this would never work. Narcissists want a partner to manipulate, a partner who will praise them, a source of narcissistic supply. How would this work, given their lack of empathy and constant need for approval?