This is a tad misleading, because I’m doing this Sunday and not Monday night, and there’s no data yet for Sunday. Tests will fall on that day. But it’s not entirely misleading. Testing is not falling fast enough, even maybe holding steady. How depressing. This is soeven as the C...
It is possible to obtain exact formulas of the Information Matrix for MLEOS, however with considerable difficulty [9] and this is not always needed as optimization routines return the value of the Hessian matrix at 𝜃̂𝑀𝐿𝐸θ^MLE. 3. Simulation Settings We simulated a random ...
We synthesize fractals and unconscious visual attention, arguing that a pedestrian will walk in a direction to which attention is drawn only when combined with a positive feeling (as ascertained from other data, not from the Visual Simulation Software). As detailed in our analysis, attention can ...