There exists a dearth of research investigating the role of subjective sexual arousal in romantic relationships, and only one study to date has examined the extent to which partner arousal and sexual arousal by a stimulus other than one’s partner were associated with sexual and relationship well-...
b. We cannot conclude, solely on the basis of correlation, that a causal link exists. c. An exper The independent variable is being manipulated in an experiment. Indicate whether the statement is true or false. State true or false and justify your answer...
46] between the target and comparator cohorts. The PS was calculated for each patient as the predicted probability of target exposure status from an L1 regularized logistic regression model, fit with a Laplace prior where the regularization hyperparameter was...
I don't believe a god exists: means one is not convinced a god exists.I believe a god does not exist: means one is convinced a god doesn't exist.The difference is subtle, but its there.As for "I don't know if a god exists"(Agnostic) is one still not convinced a god exists, ...
Does the Office of the Prosecutor possess the requisite investigative powers to obtain information necessary to determine whether a cyber-related conflict exists, particularly at the Preliminary Examination stage? Should civilian data, particularly civilian medical data, be considered a civilian object withi...
Nonetheless, sufficient evidence already exists to show that immediate and widespread action must be taken to reduce plastic release to the environment, and thus limit future harm. Given the cross-sector and multi-stakeholder approach that will be required to address plastic pollution, it is ...
I imagine I am not alone, and this likely confounds the problem for many. This does matter when user experience is being considered, since user adoption and continued usage is in some part dependent on purely subjective – and often irrational – responses to what is presented. It is...
the band continues down the more political path defined onWar, tempered with a spiritual, redemptive attitude. Nowhere is this more evident than on "Pride (In the Name of Love)," a song that exists to remind us that to truly rise up, we must be prepared to fall. Edge's ringing guitar...
Here, the propensity score weights served to create a pseudorandomized study whereby the groups of youth receiving MET/CBT5 were made to look similar to the youth receiving “exemplary” outpatient care on 17 pretreatment variables that might confound the treatment effect estimates. They found that...
but that people scowl when angry reliably and specifically enough for one to infer that a person is angry when she is scowling. A similar hypothesis exists for more than 20 different emotion categories9,12, although the majority of published studies focus on fewer categories. Figure1presents exa...