时光之轮里的很多怪物都属于暗黑之君厦昙一方,它们统称为暗影之子(shadowspawn)。这里只提其中最常出现的三种: 1.半兽妖(Trolloc) 这种怪物是由某个背弃者创造出来,作为暗黑之君的士兵的。它们有着人类的身躯,头和四肢则是某种动物。按书中的说法,它们一般有八英尺高,也就是2.4米左右的样子。它们虽然身躯高大...
The Shadow Rising 59 The Dragon Reborn 58 The Great Hunt 52 奥伯龙之手 1 The Eye of the World (The Wheel of Time, Book 1) 50 权谋之业 1 无罪之最 1 厄运连锁 2 唯一正确的时钟 1 Under Heaven 1 Augustus 3 Empire of Unreason 2 金枝 4 数字城堡 1 The Briar King (The Kingdoms of Th...
The Last Battle, or Tarmon Gai'don (pronounced: TAHR-mohn GAY-dohn) in the Old Tongue, also known as The Time of Return by Darkfriends, is the apocalyptic confrontation between the Dragon Reborn - Rand al'Thor - and the Dark One that was prophesied to en
the Shadow is; Min is only able to see the sparks and shadows when they are together, until Rand runs into Padan Fain, during which he extracts a promise not to reveal to anyone the fact that he survived the attack on Winternight, and gets the name of the inn they are staying in....
But if Rand’s course of action fails, the world will be engulfed in shadow. Across the land, Mat, Perrin, and Egwene engage in battle with Shadowspawn, Trollocs, Darkfriends, and other creatures of the Blight. Sacrifices are made, lives are lost, but victory is unassured. For when ...
The rest of the book is devoted to various other minor details. Many new feats and weaves were added, as well as prestige classes and new shadowspawn. As well as all new material you will also find revisions of several of the original feats, weaves etc. The last section is compr...
The Ways are an area outside of reality crafted by male Aes Sedai to allow Ogier to travel safely between their stedding.[1] The Ways trace their origins to the time period known as the Breaking of the World. During this era some male channelers who soug
given to theCairhieninas repayment for the gift of water to theAielclans. It represented the promise of free travel through theAiel Wasteto the lands ofShara. It was destroyed in the event known asLaman's Pride, when he cut down the tree to make himself a throne (see theAiel War)....
In Cards of Eternity, players will choose to align with iconic factions from The Wheel of Time, such as the Aes Sedai and their Wardens or the Forsaken and their Shadowspawn. PvE (solo and co-op) campaign modes will be available, delving into the incredibly deep mythology of The Wheel of...
Description Poetry fails to add / lock package which is published with Metadata version 2.4. I've stumbled upon that with the recent version 0.2.19 of nh3 package, which was resolved as a transitive dependency of twine. Exception raises ...