Domestic violence involves abuse imposed on one partner by another to establish power or to induce pleasure. The Power and Control Wheel educates both the victims and abusers about abusive behavior governing domestic violence. Abir Mukherjee's Death in ...
MILITARY POWER AND CONTROL WHEEL VIOLENCE physicalUSING COERCION AND THREATS: Telling her, "If you report me, you'll lose your income, base hous- ing, the kids, be deport- ed. Threatening her with firearms. Saying, "Do what I tell you or I'll get you." sexualUSING INTIMIDATION: ...
a contemporary German writer of considerable renown (Nobel) issued earlier in June what was called “a shockingwake-up callto the West”, of the import and consequence of the madness that has gripped parts of Western society since Hamas attacked Israel: “I am appalled that young people,...