Just before everything shut down in 2020, I spent an afternoon in a cafe with my best friend taking turns acting out emotions and describing what they physically felt like. The result of that playful research was theEmotion Sensation Wheel– my most popular download. In the years since the ...
What is Plutchik's wheel of emotion? Plutchik's wheel of emotion is a psychological tool that divides human feelings into 8 basic emotions to make them easier to understand and to draw clear relationships between different feelings. How do you use Plutchik's wheel of emotions? Plutchik's wheel...
During my journey of learning mindfulness coaching, I came across a more nuanced tool that can help us better understand thediversityof emotions. This tool is known as the "Wheel of Emotions" (see the diagram below). Each emotion is labeled with a color, with deeper and closer-to-the-cent...
Academy BlogSkip to content All News Parenting Activities BackstageDiscover the Wheel of Emotions October 30, 2023 Get a Wheel of Emotions!Activities development, emotional development, emotions, entertainment, fluvsies, kids, kids games, parenting, printables Calendar MTWTFSS 1 2 3 4...
Plutchik's Wheel of Emotions Plutchik, R (http:\/\/en.wikipedia\/wiki\/Robert_Plutchik" \o "Robert Plutchik). "The Nature of Emotions" (http:\/\/replay.waybackmachine\/20010716082847\/http:\/americanscientist...
Select Color Scheme Borrowed (temporarily and without permission) fromGeoffrey Roberts. Thanks to Lily Smith for adding rotation. Hi there! This page is provided as a free resource for anybody who might find it useful. It is not a source of profit for me whatsoever, though I do incur small...
Plutchik, Robert
一共有八种基本情绪(primary emotions),分别为四组对立,如下列所示: 快乐和悲伤(joy and sadness) 接纳(trust)和拒斥(acceptance and disgust) 害怕退缩和愤怒攻击(fear and anger) 惊讶和期待(surprise and anticipation)重合层:1+1=?花瓣重合层是两种情绪的交叠,如表所示: ...
打开 The Wheel of Emotions 来自:Daniele Liverani 无 收藏 共4首歌 About Their Slothful LifeDaniele Liverani My Mind like a Desert SeaDaniele Liverani Every Age Has an Instrument to Play Life SymphonyDaniele Liverani Lost in Those Past YearsDaniele Liverani 没有更多内容了...
A free, interactive journal designed to help you feel your feelings then feel better. Investigate, process and soothe challenging emotions like fear, sadness, anger, and insecurity.